Quotes by Deepankar Sikder in Bitesapp read free

Deepankar Sikder

Deepankar Sikder Matrubharti Verified


In realms beyond our grasp, dreams take flight,
Where wishes bloom in the depths of night.
Imagination, the canvas where we roam,
To claim the treasures, we can only own.

Reality, a distant shore, we cherish from afar,
Bound by limits, where feelings scar.
Expression stifled, desires veiled in shade,
In dreams, our truest selves portrayed.

Silent hearts speak volumes in this clandestine land,
Where emotions dance, hand in hand.
In the realm of dreams, we find our muse,
A sanctuary where passion infuse.

So let us drift, in reverie's embrace,
Where love and longing find their space.
For in the world of dreams, we are free,
To love, to live, to simply be.

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A path untouched by foot,
Is where my steps aspire to root.

Conscious sedation's embrace,
A complete absence of motion's trace,
Yearning for a tranquil state,
Free from life's tumultuous freight.

Surrounded by chaos, yet untouched within,
Inward peace amid external din.

Conscious but adrift, in oblivion's sway,
A perpetual sojourn in the void's array.

The pursuit of such serenity,
A constant, unwavering decree.

In this state, bliss does reside,
Where metaphysical clutter does subside.

Me, myself, in joy's embrace,
Amidst the chaos, finding solace.

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"I can't control others, only myself. If I don't like something they do, I choose to change my path. I expect nothing from them, as they have every right to live their lives as they see fit. Similarly, I have the right to live mine. I say nothing, but rather watch, observe, and gracefully bow out of their lives."

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Embrace each stumble, for they mold your stride,
In setbacks, lessons dwell, be your guide.
Forge through challenges, the path may seem tough,
Yet growth unfolds when you persevere enough.

Tiny strides compose a summit grand,
Yet tread cautiously, on steep terrain you stand.
Pause when unsure, reflect on the view,
Mistakes illuminate the way anew.

In the journey's dance, missteps play a part,
But persistence breeds mastery, a work of art.

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I cry I go high
I say nothing
keep it all buried inside
not a moment
that I miss thinking of you
yet I wish happiness of you
no matter how deep my cut is
i would make sure
you are doing fine and well.

Being alone doesn't necessarily equate to loneliness; during solitary moments, you're with yourself. If you don't learn to enjoy your own company, understanding your true self becomes a challenge.

I am what I am but there is another me inside me which is not what I am and will ever be, what it desires.
that me wants to come out but never ever, even if it dares.
it is not dead yet but buried somewhere inside.
it tries to come out sometimes out of desperation but doesn't since it has become weak due to being locked inside for a long time.
And maybe the flame will one day burn out as it gets no fuel to continue.
and at the end, the world would remember me as I am but not as I could be.

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move on, start over and go after are not my things anymore.

Doing things out of compulsion is just another way to make this life a living hell.
In a free country one becomes a slave.
And a slave is never happy.