damage Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

damage bites

#Damage once happened,

Means happened never can heal..!!

My New Meaningful Poem..!!

*...’गुफ्तगू' करते रहिये,_*
*_.थोड़ी थोड़ी अपने चाहने वालों से..._*

*'..जाले' लग जाते हैं,*
*..यारों अक्सर बंद मकानों में.....*

* ..मरम्मत’ अपने अच्छे-बूरे,..*
*..रिश्तों की भी थोड़ी थोड़ी करते रहिए._*

*..तुट जातें हैं अक्सर रिश्ते..*
*..रिश्तों के बीच फ़ासला बढ़ जाने से.._*

*..दूरियाँ कुछ नाजुक-से..*
*..रिश्तों में भी थोड़ी बरकरार रखिए_

*..यारों हल-चल मच जाती हैं..*
*..एसे रिश्तों में ज़्यादा क़रीब जाने से.._*

*..बेटी घर बाप रहे, या ससुराल में..*
*..दामाद रहे, कोड़ी के मोल हो जातें है._*

*..बस एसे ही कुछ नाज़ुक-से..*
*..संगीन-ओ-पेचीदा-से चट्टान-से रिश्ते_*


You'll never understand the damage you
did to someone, until it is done to you!


#Damage નુકસાન#

There are Places from
which You cannot Return.

There is #Damage that can
be irreparable.


Most dangerous is to play with the loving heart.


The "Damage" Of Last Zone
Is Very High.....
It Is Difficult To Survive In It.....

Self help series #23

It's you. Who have it all. Truth🙏🏼, love♥️, happiness😄 All.

Follow ♥️


If you realized that it is something damage.....then fill it with love,trust and great smile....
trust me that damage not stay longer to you...

by jayshree_satote