kerala Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

kerala bites

kerala #Kerala state is most popular for education of girls and also called land of coconuts.It is also familiar for beautiful Ayurvedic gardens with fast remedies for Joints and ailments and also for spices and sailing in backwaters.

તે આવું જ ભણી ગણીને મોટા થયા હશે આ લોકો?
૧૦૦% સાક્ષરતા સાથેય ક્રૂરતા શીખતાં હશે આ લોકો?


#Kerala #KeralaElephantMurder #RIPHumanity


elephants have a very long memory

...think about it.
#kerala -elephants

Finally! Humanity is dead.
She was pregnant, she trusted us and we failed her. They are not wild animals. The real wild animals are we, humans💔
The definition of Betrayal is Humans. #AllLivesMatters #elephantlivesmatter #ElephantDeath #RIPHumanity #Kerala